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Calling all performers, creators and artists!!!

Ramshackle Theatre and the ArtsWells Festival of All things Art are looking for performing artists to be a part Theatre in the Bog. With one week to create a 10 minute work in a unique outdoor setting, performers then present their work a total of 4 times to the all-ages audience of the ArtsWells Festival. Send an email to artswellsfestival@imarts.com with “Theatre in the Bog” in the subject line before June 14th!



What the heck is Theatre in the Bog?

Set in the meadow on the edge of the town of Wells, on the traditional territory of the Lhtako Dene, in an area with significant land use of the Dakelh and Secwépemc peoples, Theatre in the Bog leaves the seats and stages behind, allowing creators to explore the boundaries of conventional theatre. Against a backdrop of scrubby spruce, pine and willow, audiences are led through the woods to see original performances that artists have cooked up over the course of a week.

A fixture in the Yukon arts scene for 14 years, past events in the far north have featured: sound installations, synchronized swimmers, cooking shows, science experiments, drag performances, underwear fights, build your own clay creations, and many other charming, irreverent acts brimming with creativity and rural ingenuity.

Theatre in the Bog is made possible through the support of the Canada Council for the Arts Explore and Create Program, the Wells and Area Trails Society, The Wells-Barkerville Community Forest and the District of Wells.

How do I get involved?

If you have a concept or an idea for an interactive art piece, drag performance, straight up storytelling… or really any kind of performance send us a note and let’s talk! Send an email to artswellsfestival@imarts.com with “Theatre in the Bog” in the subject line. In the email please tell us:

  • a bit about you as an artist 
  • a short description of what you do or would like to create for the event. Just the seed of an idea is enough for your submission. 
  • You can also submit links to works you have done in the past! 

You can apply as a solo project, or with up to 3 total collaborators. We welcome everyone to apply and encourage submissions from folks living in the Cariboo Region, Queer, IBPOC and BC artists. 

Please make contact by June 14th and we will get back to everyone by June 29th.

All participating artists will receive festival camping, a festival artist wristband and an honorarium.


Email to artswellsfestival@imarts.com


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