Elisa Thorn

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Elisa Thorn (pronounced eh-lee-sah) finds it hard to describe her music but lately has lovingly been calling it “mistrel-core”.



A harpist known for her distinct contemporary use of the instrument, her sound draws influences from folk, indie, jazz, post-rock and experimental music. An insatiable collaborator, she is part of many projects including Gentle Party, HUE, and The Giving Shapes, but is currently focusing on her solo project, who recently recording an album that will be released at the end of 2024. Joined by James Meger (bass) and Dan Gaucher (drums), this music intends to both surprise you and help you feel held.


Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/5v9cK43b9FU3eupA7QcFXV?si=lQTHRN0vQvC8ur6qtQ4yFA

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGDj7EczHY0IUYdSeIFgBEw

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elisathorn

Bandcamp support: https://elisathorn.bandcamp.com/ 

Website: https://www.elisathorn.com


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