Your Questions – Answered
Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
Can’t host a festival without artists! Here are some questions (and answers) to get you going…
What kind of Artists are you looking for?
ArtsWells is the festival of ALL THINGS ART! That means we showcase music, theatre, dance, comedy, visual arts, film and media arts, community arts and so much more!
Are you taking application for 2025?
At this time we are not formally accepting artist applications. Artists are welcome to reach out to with links to their work and background, however due to the amount of applications received and the priority list that we are working through, we are unable to facilitate every request.
Do you have opportunities for artists at other times during the year?
You betcha, bud. ArtsWells is one weekend during the year, but Wells is here 24/7, 365! In addition to other programming that Island Mountain Arts puts through our artist residence, gallery, workshops and artist projects, we’re happy to connect for special concerts and events on the weekends in all 4 seasons!
Rustic. Natural. Leave-no-trace. Everything you wanted to know about camping in Wells…
When do camping passes go on sale?
ArtsWells related camping passes will go on-sale with the first round of early-bird tickets.
What are your camping locations?
ArtsWells uses the Meadow Campground, located behind the RCMP detachment on the north side of the Barkerville Highway. Please note that if you are tenting, your car may not be parked directly beside your tent.
How do camping passes work?
Camping passes are purchased in addition to your festival ticket.
Car and Tent Camping passes are $40.00 for the weekend – this includes 1 person
Additional camping wristbands are $20.00 for the weekend.
What should I bring with me to camp?
Wells is 1,200m above sea-level. As a mountain town, you better believe we get mountain weather! This means that the evenings can get quite cold, and rain is a very real possibility. Make sure you come prepared for all temperatures and all weather – this could look like groundsheets, tarps, appropriate footwear and properly-rates sleeping bags. The majority of our venues are either indoors or covered, but all camping is outside.
One of the joys of being in rural spaces is active interfacing with wildlife, but it’s important to be wildlife aware. Wells is an area that has an active bear, fox and ground-squirrel population. Festival Guests are expected to observe appropriate food storage (such as removing food and other attractants from your tent) and proper waste disposal at all times. Learn more about being “bear aware” here.
Independent newsmakers – take note…
Do y’all give out media passes?
Beb, we gotta tell ya that ArtsWells is itty-bitty, teeny-tiny, and we have SUPER limited capacity to host members of the media, be they from podcasts, radio, tv, youtube channels, papers, blogs, or niche subscription-based snail-mail services (that’s a thing, right?). That said, we do have some limited space for select members of the media.
I’m a blogger/youtuber/journalist/podcaster – how do I get invited to your festival?
Send us an email, tell us a bit about your work, how many days you’d like to come to the festival, and give us some links to follow up with! If it feels like a good fit, we’ll provide you with a non-transferable media pass (similar to a festival wristband).
If you’re looking to join us for 2025, please get in touch with us by May 1st, 2025 by sending an email to with the subject line “MEDIA”
If you If
I sent you my hardest hitting journalism but you never got back to me – what gives?
We’re super grateful for the time and energy it take to put yourself and your work out there, and we will do our best to get back to all media requests. If you don’t hear back from us, it’s likely that we’re already working with someone that works in a similar realm as you.
Sponsorship & Support
It takes a village and more to make it happen – help us out!
I want to sponsor the festival – what does that mean?
Sponsorship and support for the festival comes in all shapes and sizes. They are a great opportunity to work together with ArtsWells to meet your business’s marketing goals while supporting the arts! You can take a look at ArtsWells’ 2025 Sponsorship package here.
Who were your sponsors & donors in 2024?
Visit to see a healthy dose of funders, Cariboo/Fraser-Fort George Businesses and Individuals that made the fest possible!
What’s the difference between a sponsorship and a donation?
Sponsorship provides what’s known as an “advantage” to your businesses – basically, in exchange for your contribution to ArtsWells, the festival provides marketing and branding opportunities. Donations have no advantage (though we do provide acknowledgement in out program and on our website), but come with the added bonus of a tax receipt.
Here’s a riveting article from the Canadian government that details the nuance between the two.
how do I do it? what do i do? how do i do this? just tell me what to do from the start…
How, where and when do I get my tickets?
How and Where: We sell our tickets through! that means you pick them up online! This is the only endorsed way of getting your ticket to ArtsWells.
When: Your best bet is to follow Island Mountain Arts and ArtsWells social media channels. The first round of Equinox Early Bird Tickets for 2025 will go out on March 3rd at 10:00 AM.
What do I need to bring for proof of my ticket purchase?
You need to bring a print out or digital copy on scannable device (ex. downloaded to a tablet or smartphone) that shows your purchase with the bar code, as well as a piece of ID.
How do I exchange my ticket for a wristband?
After scanning your ticket and showing your ID, your ticket can be exchanged for a wristband. Once a ticket has been scanned, it will not be useable again.
Where is your box office located?
Check back soon for 2025 Box Office Locations.
I have young people in my life under the age of 11 – can they come to the festival?
Oh heck yeah. Children under 11 are free. But they need to be associated with a guardian, and you still need to get them a free ticket online so we have them accounted for in our overall numbers!
I lost my wristband – what do I do?
We’re really sorry that this has happened. Unfortunately, we are unable to reissue wristbands. Make sure you treat them like cash.
I can’t make it anymore – can you give me a refund?
We’re really sorry that you can’t make it anymore. Unfortunately, tickets to ArtsWells are non-refundable.
I can’t make it anymore, can I give my friend my ticket?
You’re a generous friend. You can learn more about tickit’s secure ticket transfer service here: Please note that ArtsWells will only activate reselling capabilities through tickit if the full festival has been sold out.
Can I bring my dog/cat/familiar?
For the safety of our festival-goers and natural wildlife, no pets are permitted within the ArtsWells Festival grounds or camping areas. This decision was made with the utmost concern for the health and well being of both dogs and participants. As fellow participants and animal lovers, we thank you for understanding and implementing this policy.
If you have a pet the best thing to do is to plan ahead and find a pet-sitter, family member or friend, veterinarian’s kennel or boarding facility near home that you have visited and feel comfortable with.
Sweet treats, artistic wares, unique gifts and services. Here are some questions we tend to get when it comes to our vendors village…
When will vendor applications open?
2025 Vendor applications will open in early March, 2025. Priority will be given to vendors we had hoped to work with in 2024, but were unable to due to the Antler Creek Wildfire.
What kind of vending fees do you charge?
Vendor spaces come in the following connfigurations:
10’x10′ – $250.00
10’x20′ – $400.00
Vending Space – Vendors are responsible for their own tents, chairs and tables.
Vendors are responsible for supplying their own own extension cords, cables and adapters for your power requirements. 110v and very limited 220v plug-ins are available. Costs are outlined in the application forms.
Can vendors bring pets?
Pets are not permitted on the grounds of the vendors village, in venues, or in IMA campsites. Please plan accordingly.
Where do vendors stay?
Vendors will be offered camping access in close proximity to the vendor’s village. Vendors are also permitted to sleep in their vending area.
We can’t do what we do without people like you! Volunteering gives you all the warm fuzzy feelings that come from contributing to something larger than yourself. Read on for some frequently asked q’s…
Why is this section blank?
Because this section is coming soon
Here’s a bunch of other stuff that you might be interested in knowing…
What kind of items are prohibited at ArtsWells?
ArtsWells takes place in a community, and we ask that you be a respectful neighbour while you are here. Alcoholic beverages outside of designated areas, illegal substances, glass, fireworks and other explosives, amplified music, print materials for distribution, pets, laser pointers, firearms/weapons, sky lanterns, drones, or any other item as deemed inappropriate by ArtsWells staff and security is prohibited. Violation of these conditions may result in refusal of admission or ejection without refund.